Thursday, December 19, 2013

San Sebastian - Week Fifteen

Hey family! How is everyone? Can you believe Christmas is almost here? We get to talk a week from tomorrow! So a member invited us to their house for Christmas dinner, so we might skype there.. idk yet.. but it'll probably be after five p.m. my time. I can't wait to talk to you all!

So this week was probably one of the best weeks I have had on my mission. The previous two weeks were rough, almost every cita we had for two weeks cancelled on us. We had no idea why. But this week, we saw some great miracles. One of them was that a member called us saying a lady wanted us to meet with her and her family. Her name is Vicky and she's from Peru. We went 40 minutes on a train to her pueblo to visit her and her husband. Apparently her whole family are members of the church. She had been taking the discussions from the missionaries in her country before but her husband wasn't as interested as she was. She's got two boys 13 and 8 years old I think. We had a lesson with them and they were so great! They seem really sincere about their desire to know more about the church. Can you believe it? A family! This is the first family I have found to teach here. I almost cried after that cita. We invited them to our ward Christmas dinner party the next day and they came! I think they had a fun time. They are so cute. We are going back to visit them tomorrow. I hope I'm still around this place to see them baptized!

Also this week, we set three baptismal dates with three different people. Unfortunately, all three fell through. None of them came to church. Buuuutttt it'll happen.. eventually. One of them was with our Ukranian investigator, Max. He's so adorable. He's actually leaving back to Ukraine. But he said he wants to be baptized there. When he told me he was leaving, the first thing he said was "can missionaries come find me and teach me there?", melted my little heart. He is so sincere about his desire to know the truth. We met with him last night and in his prayer, he thanked God for this opportunity to become a Mormon haha. He's great.

So Samuel isn't quite ready to be baptized. He still has lots of questions about everything under the sun. The solution? He just needs to read the Book of Mormon. Once he just reads more and prays about it, all his tiny little questions about this that and the other will be answered. He's stubborn. But I hope he will open his heart enough to really sincerely ask God if the Book of Mormon is true. That's the key.

We had a zone conference yesterday that was so great. I love them so much. We learned a lot about the Book of Mormon and how to use it in our teaching. The Book of Mormon is really the most powerful tool we have. Once investigators are reading in it, they will progress so much more. I love reading in it so much. I've strengthened my testimony so much from reading out of it everyday. I know its true. I cherish it so much.

So yeah, we had a great week! I'll send pics of our ward Christmas party. We had so many investigators show up it was way fun. Everyone brought food from their country and we played games and stuff. Also the other day, I realized this is the best mission ever. Wanna know why?  I have friends and know people from about 20 different countries. It's the coolest. I came all the way to Spain to meet people from almost all the countries in South America, a few in Africa, and some in Europe. THE BEST. Anyway, I love you all! TALK TO YOU SOON

love Hermana Fry

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