Monday, December 9, 2013

San Sebastian - Week Fourteen

Dearest cute little family of mine,

How is everyone this week? ALSOOOOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE SISSY MANISSY IN THE WORLLDD! I wrote you a letter and sent it last Monday.. so hopefully it gets there soon! I hope you party it up like willlllldddddd!

Anyway, this week was pretty good! We had some sweet things happen this week. First off, while knocking doors one night, I'm pretty sure we found Captain Hook. That was like the best thing ever. He was the strangest, curly long haired man I have ever met. And I'm pretty sure he wasn't all there.. haha but it was funny.

Also, SAMUEL HAS A BAPTISMAL DATE. Remember him? The 19 year old from Colombia that knows the bible like the back of his hand? Last time he told us our church didn't follow the 10 commandments cuz we went to church on Sunday and not Saturday.. so going into this weeks lesson,I prayed so so hard. I wanted to be able to clear things up well. Anyway, we met with him this time and cleared everything up. There are a lot of scriptural references for why we worship Sunday and not Saturday, but all in all, the day isn't really what's important. It's the fact that we have a day to think about the Savior and to take the Sacrament. Spirit of the law over letter of the law.. Also for some reason he kept going back to the authority of Jesus Christ and what that means. I could tell he knows it's something important to have in a church. We told him we could sit and talk about the history of everything all day and explain things all day, but there was one way he could know for sure (we have explained this 1209209824 times but I think this time, it finally clicked) we told him he's gotta read The Book of Mormon. EVERYTHING relies on the truthfulness of that book. We told him God won't lie, he's just gotta study it out, and ask for himself. So he accepted a baptismal date for the 21st as a goal. We are meeting with him tonight too, so keep him in your prayers! He is gonna be such a great member. I want to be here to see his baptism.

Also remember Angelica? She's so cute. She's doing so well. This last time she told us she wants to be baptized. The only thing in the way is her boyfriend. She doesn't want to get married right now so we are kind of stuck. It's super sad, she's so ready. She knows it's all true but she wants to wait. We told her to pray about a marriage, and if it's right for her. So keep her in your prayers too.

Also this parts for Nessa.. so remember how I would never take the bus in Provo? Haha embarrassing.. well I was thinking about that yesterday cuz the other day we met this lady who cleans the floors in our apartment complex and she told us we could come see her but she lives in a pueblo like an hour away. There was something different about her though. My comp and I just knew we needed to see her, even though she lived far. So we hopped on a random bus.. took it to the first stop in some random pueblo way far away, and got off just hoping that a girl we met one time in our building would actually be there. I thought you'd be proud of me. No. Big.Deal. Look at fras, totally owning the bus system in Spain. hasthag that.

Anyway, this girl Kati is super awesome. She's from Ecuador but is here working. She is so ready for the gospel. She has such faith in God and His hand in her life. She is excited to read the book of Mormon and meet with us again. I just feel like she's really prepared. It's really cool to see how God puts people in our lives that are ready for the gospel.

Anyway, things are going well here, we are seeing some good progress. I love my companion, she's so sweet and were are basically the same person, so it's super fun. I hope all is well at home! I love being here! Keep Samuel in your prayers these next two weeks. The gospel is so true, I can see God´s hand in my life every day. The Book of Mormon is so true. I am obsessed with it haha. But really, I feel such peace when I read it. Every time I finish I want to start it over again! Keep Christ close to you always. I love you family!

Love Hermana FRY

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