Hi Family!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW ROCKSTARRRR!! You're the best. I hope you go absolutely wild on your birthday. I know you will. Love you! Your letter is in the mail :)
So let's get real, this week was kinda rough haha. I don't know why, but literally no one wanted to talk to us this week. Haha really though, no one. But you know why? I'll tell you. Just hold on a second, I'll explain it all.
Ok so first off, this week we got transfer calls. All week Hermana Findlay and I were going back and forth guessing what was going to happen. In fact halfway through the week, I decided we were being split. But then we figured we would stay together cuz we've only been here one transfer, but you never know, crazier things have happened. All we knew that was if on Saturday night, we got a call from President, it meant something big was happenening. He only calls if we are training or if we are opening an area or something like that.
So Saturday night we get back to piso and the phone rings immediatley, assuming its our district leader, I looked at it and realized it was PRESIDENT. We were both freakin out. So my companion talked to him for a little bit and then he asked to talk to me. Right off the bat, he told me that we were both staying together. But then he asked if I would be okay with being called as a Sister Training Leader!! I was pumped! Hermana Findlay was jumping up and down. He told me that they wanted to see what would happen if they put two sister training leaders together, like they do with zone leaders because right now all the sister training leaders don't have a sister training leader companion. He said he was going to call me as one anyway, but it just worked out even better that my comp was already a leader too! So we are the guinea pigs I guess haaha. I am super excited about it though! It means I get to go to a meeting with all the leaders and President once a month in Barcelona in the mission home and I will get to do intercambios with other Hermanas throughout the mission every week!
I feel really young still though, I'm the youngest one in the group, and Hermana Findlay and I are the only sister training leaders that haven't trained anyone ever. So I am kind of nervous about it, I hope I do it well. I am SUPER excited about it though. It gave Hermana Findlay and I so much animo about the work. We are so pumped to work super hard this transfer and see some miracles.
Anyway, that's why I think this week was rough. Satan knows that we are ready to work super hard, so this week was an extra challenge. I feel like our faith is being tried, to see if we have the patience to endure. I have never had such excitement to talk to everyone. Even though no one, and really, I mean no one, wanted to listen to us this week, I am grateful for weeks like it because it makes you realize how good the good weeks actually are. It's weeks like these that remind us to be humble, and that this is the Lord´s work. All the miracles we see, are a result of His hand in our life. Every time there are hard days, it's just because really good ones are up ahead. I've learned that a lot. You just have to develop the patience to endure.
I really love this work. I know it is the work of the Lord. I have really learned how the only way to actually find lasting peace and happiness is through this gospel. God´s plan is so perfect, and we are so blessed to have a knowledge of it.
Anyway, sorry that was long. But life is good. It's warm here, I'm excited for
conference!! We watch it at really weird times here, I haven't seen the
women's one yet, but I cant wait to see it!! Also I'll email next week on Tuesday again I think. I have my first meeting in Barcelona next Monday, so I don't think we will write till Tuesday. Anyway, I love you all!! Have an amazing week!
Hermana Fry Fry
PS this week I read about King Noah and that
whole story, (Book of Mormon Chapter
12, and 13 and I couldn't help but laugh the whole time haha. It always reminds me of
pageant "fifty nephites can stand against thoouussaanndsss of lammaaannnites.." Good times. I just wanted to act it out the whole time that I was reading it. My companions always think I'm weird for how obsessed I am with pageant. It's fine, over it.
For the scriptural account about King Noah read the following chapters in The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)