Friday, November 21, 2014

Badalona - Week Nine


So this week was WILD. It felt like two separate weeks. We're making progress with the people we have, and slowly getting more references and work from the ward members, so it's picking up. We at least usually have a lot less time to walk the streets these days, which is nice.

So we moved this week! It was crazy. I've never had to move a whole apartment before like that. We had to move beds, furniture, the fridge, everything. So Friday and Saturday this week was completely dedicated to the move. Luckily the elders helped us too. Our new piso is in a really good spot in our area too so that'll be nice. It's a super nice piso, it's nice and cozy. It feels like a real home, we all love it, were not so on top of each other anymore. The people that left it, left it really dirty though so we basically had to scrub the whole thing down so it took forever, but now we are all moved in!

Also, we had a bunch of meetings this week with the elders about changing our areas. Our bishop told us that he had a meeting with the stake and they want more work to be done in the elders area, because there's a lot more potential up there, so we talked about splitting our area vertically in half instead of horizontally in half like it is now. It will make a HUGE difference for us in our area because we will have all new sorts of potential work up where we haven't ever been before. For us, it's a miracle. I'm REALLLLLY excited to start working up there, I think it'll help things pick up more in Badalona.

As well, get this. K so yesterday I was getting ready for church, and all of a sudden the thought came to me "you're going to speak in church this morning". It came out of nowhere. So as we left, I grabbed the talk I had written from when I spoke in Valencia, just in case. Sure enough, when we got to the church, the Bishop told me someone had cancelled on him last minute and asked me to speak. It was straight up inspiration, I was shocked. And so thankful that I had my talk. Miracles.

Also... what else. I don't know really, we're doing well. Still trying to find. OH we had a miracle yesterday because a woman in the ward brought TWO friends to church, and one lives in our area! We're meeting with her on Wednesday. MIRACLE. Things are looking up lately, it's been good. People are starting to give us references, we're getting better relationships with the members, it's progressing. Just taking time. We're really excited to work up north too in the new part of our area. Badalona is bringing us miracles. Life is good. And not that cold either! Winning!

Os quiero muchisimo. haha I love vosotros. Spaniard pride.


PS Elder Quinten L. Cook is coming to speak to us this weekend! WOOO HOO!!


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