Monday, August 25, 2014

Valencia - Week Twelve


Sounds like you're all just killin it this week on the lake. That's fun! Keep the boat crumb free OKAY? just kidding. Just drop all your cheesy soggy bread crumbs wherever you want. haha.

So let's see. This week was wild. I was in Barcelona three times between last Wednesday and this past Thursday. So I'm pretty exhausted haha. I feel like dad. They need to give me frequent flyer miles.

I got to go work in Barcelona with Hermana Hair, so I got to stay with Hermana Findlay again! It was the best. We went out to lunch with a woman that's about to be baptized and bought the biggest hamburgers you've ever seen. I only ate a fourth of it haha. Lets get real, I could have eaten the whole thing, but I didn't really want all of that inside of me. But don't doubt my abilities.

So we were running wild this week. We had a ton of super great citas. One person we are excited about is a 15 year old kid named Cosby. He's about the most hipster Nigerian I've ever met. He's cool. His dad was an old investigator, but never had time to visit with the missionaries, so he stopped progressing. Cosby told us the other day that his mom told him he can choose which church he wants to go to, so he's really sparked an interest. He came to church with us on Sunday, and he LOVED it. Let me tell you, some of the greatest joy I have ever felt in my whole life is when an investigator comes to church. Gah. Love it. He told us afterwards that the people were super nice to him and that he wants to come back next week! So that was really exciting.

As well, we went to see Glory yesterday, she also had the goal to be baptized on the 16th, but she said she is moving to San Sebastian on the 13th. Super big bummer. But she told us she wants to talk to the missionaries there to help her be baptized.

We are teaching so many new people lately so our life is pretty busy. I love it. We have been really really blessed lately in this area. I really am loving Valencia. The ward is so great, and I love my companion so so much. Hermana Munns just got transferred to Zaragoza! We will really miss her though, she's been a huge blessing throughout my mission. We started day one together. Haha that was a very rough day one.. Now we just look back and laugh.

Matilde, our Spaniard we are teaching is doing well. The only problem is she always says she's coming to church and then plans come up on Sunday and she doesn't come. She's way excited to be baptized as well. So if she starts coming, we can help her be baptized. Did I tell you she only has three upper teeth? Haha love her.

Our mission has the goal right now to invite someone to be baptized every single day. I am loving it. In 5 of our lessons yesterday we talked about baptism. It just feels so good. Baptism is such a blessing. It is one of the most incredible gifts that God has given us. The Lord has really been blessing us in our work here. I am excited to help all of our new people start progressing towards baptism. I am so happy here, even though I'm sticky sweaty all day long. Makes it even more fun right?

Well today were going to the Zoo. Gooo us! haha


sorry my emails are always a scatterbrained mess.

Love Hermana FRY.

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