Monday, August 25, 2014

Valencia - Week Thirteen

Hey Fam!

Sounds like the lake has been super fun! I'm so glad, that's the best. Valencia is still the best, as always, I love it. I think its getting hotter though. For real. But that's okay, it keeps us tough.

We had a good week again. One highlight was that we contacted this kid the other day on a bench named Barry. Hes 23 and from Cuba. This last week we had a lesson with him that was so good. We taught him the restoration and he told us that he had read 13 chapters of the Book of Mormon, so that was the best. He totally understood the restoration really well. He told us he has never really believed in churches, but has always believed in God. He thinks churches are corrupt. But he said he really liked the Book of Mormon when he read it, it made sense, and he was excited to keep reading it and meet with us more.

Another miracle was that Cosby, our 15 year old Nigerian came to church this week again! We visited him during the week and it was kinda rough. I think stuff was going on with him and his family because he wouldn't talk to us and he seemed upset. He wasn't sure that he wanted to keep meeting with us. Which was WAY sad cuz last week he LOVED church and was so excited to go back. So we were super super sad. On Saturday we called him, and he brought up church first! He asked if he could come again! He came with us again, and loved it. So that was a miracle.

Another neat miracle we had was that one day this week, I think Friday, every single one of our citas fired haha. wait that's not the miracle. But that happened first. So we were passing by menos activos (I think you're supposed to stay stopping by? someone told me passing by makes it sound like youre just walking past them? idk.) anyway, as we were walking, a woman shouts at us asking if we are from England. So we stopped and talked to her for a second. Her name is Amparo and shes from Peru. She told us she has met with the missionaries before and that she really likes our church. She told us she didn't have time but asked if id write down her info and come visit her. (miracle, that never happens) So Sunday afternoon we went by and she had made us a chocolate cake! How sweet is that? We talked to her about the restoration and about baptism and she accepted a baptismal date! It really was a miracle. She was super super sweet.

After that, i just felt so blessed. God is so loving. He knew we were bummed because everything fired and we were just trying to keep going, and He placed someone in our path. It was a really incredible tender mercy.

As I've been re-reading Jesus the Christ, ive been learning a lot about the nature of Christ. He really is our perfect example. And everything He did was out of love for us. It is really incredible. I love the mission. I have really come to know my Savior. I know He knows me. I know He understands what I go through. I know He has felt what I feel. I know that I never have to feel alone, or sad, or burdened down. I have someone by my side every step of the way. The Atonement is incredible. The Book of Mormon is incredible. The mission is the best.

Life is good. Be safe family! I love you lots and lots.

Hermana Fras

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